Continuous staff development

Invest in retaining and strengthening your staff

At Philips Education Services, we can help you define and deliver the learning and development activities your staff need to grow and develop.


  • Relevant, role and competency-based education programs. 
  • Outcomes-driven. 
  • Continuous, a learning journey that never stops. 
  • Courses delivered online, on-site or remotely by knowledgeable, expert instructors. 
  • Fit for your needs and budget via subscription, pre-paid credits and a la carte options. 
  • Learn how continuous education can support your organization to achieve better outcomes while retaining staff.

Standardize skills and knowledge to deliver safe, effective, and high-quality healthcare for patients.


  • Enable your staff to access professional development and monitor their progression. 
  • Increased ability to innovate and enhance processes. 
  • Achieve and maintain improved outcomes in your organization.  
  • Maximize the use of your available technology. 
  • Increased staff retention through career satisfaction.

With current healthcare industry needs for continuous education, we aim to address your challenges:


  • Education for onboarding new staff efficiently. 
  • eLearning for flexibility and busy schedules. 
  • Track staff learning progress. 
  • Help ensure that knowledge does not fade over time.

Find the solution for you

Doctor using tablet

Learning Catalog 


Browse through our catalog and streamline your education process. 

Doctor using laptop

Access Philips Learning Center


Do you have an enrollment key? Access directly courses you’ve purchased.

Two doctors using computer

Philips Learning Academy (for Asia-Pacific countries only*)


Philips Learning Academy APAC provides healthcare professionals in ASEAN and Pacific with seamless, end-to-end and customized learning experience, through various formats, such as classroom, e-Learning, technical training and webinars.

"Only 33% of young head of departments consider themselves well-trained, while 24% consider themselves not sufficiently trained for the role"

Source: Gemseek market research 2019/2020


Customer story

Examining the strategic role of education and training

Mackenzie Health standardized and optimized education services to support staff training for diagnostic imaging.

Unlock operational value, discover how operations can be a key.

We are always interested in engaging with you.

Let us know how we can help.

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*Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand

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