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Enterprise patient monitoring

Stay connected
to what's vital

Patient monitoring for quick, confident and consistent care

In today’s complex healthcare environment, the demands on clinicians are immense. Philips Patient Monitoring system is designed to help clinicians make informed decisions, reduce variation in care delivery and lower costs. 


The entire Philips family of bedside and transport monitors, central station and mobile applications provide aesthetic consistency to reduce complexity. Advanced clinical decision support tools and smart alarms work together to identify and alert caregivers to critical events at the earliest possible stage.

This integrated system captures a steady stream of patient data from monitors and medical devices, feeding it securely to your emergency medical record (EMR). Our process allows for virtually gap-free patient records from admission to discharge, even during transport. 


Now you can stay connected to what’s vital and help deliver consistent, quality patient care – everywhere it matters.

What is more complete than one of our systems?
Our whole solution.

Watch our video to learn more.

Patient Monitoring Video

Interested in exploring how we can help solve your biggest challenges, such as cybersecurity and alarm fatigue? Or is there a particular area of our solution you'd like to explore, such as continuous monitors or central station?

Explore our clinical patient monitoring solutions







Secure by design: proactive healthcare cyber security for connected care

Your security is our mission. No company is more committed than Philips to helping you protect the privacy of patients and the integrity of medical data from the constant threat of cyber attacks.

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Helping every customer find the right fit in proven service solutions.
Helping every customer find the right fit in proven service solutions.

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Financing services

Innovative financing solutions tailored for the healthcare community.

Helping every customer find the right fit in proven service solutions.
Helping every customer find the right fit in proven service solutions.

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Helping every customer find the right fit in proven service solutions.
Helping every customer find the right fit in proven service solutions.

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