Patient Monitoring
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Mobile Healthcare

enhancing patient monitoring in mHealth

Empowering the mobile caregiver and simplifying patient transport

The perpetual motion of healthcare demands solutions for mobile caregivers and patients in transport. Our monitoring solutions deliver data from patients to IntelliVue monitors to central stations, tablets and smartphones, to keep patients in constant contact with care team members.

Watch these videos to discover the latest patient monitoring innovations enabling mobile healthcare.

Want to learn more about Philips solutions for mobile healthcare?

Caregiver mobility

Caregiver mobility

Patient transport

Patient transport

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A need for more complete patient data

When presented with a list of six options, the top two threats to patient safety identified by physician and nurse leaders are inconsistent care delivery and having incomplete data on patients.

Pie chart - 74%

74%: lack of patient data during in-hospital transport is a risk to the patient.1

Pie chart - 74%

74%: patient safety is at risk when exchanging information about patients between departments.1

Pie chart - 74%

69%: lack of complete data on patients is a cause of clinical inefficiencies.1

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Philips IntelliVue X3: Continuous patient data

IntelliVue X3 instantly transforms from a multi-measurement bedside module into a rugged, fully functional transport monitor, streamlining clinical workflow and supporting continuous data capture. The customizable, high-resolution touchscreen presents the information you choose, in the format you prefer.

Philips IntelliVue X3: Continuous patient data

Watch this video and see for yourself.

Using Philips CareEvent and mobile devices to manage monitoring alarms at Isala Hospital

Philips CareEvent

Watch this video to learn how caregivers at Isala Women and Children’s Hospital are using mobile devices in conjunction with our CareEvent software solution to assess patient data from anywhere in the hospital.

With vital signs data and waveforms available on their phones, caregivers can respond to alarms, escalate them to colleagues, or rule them non-actionable.


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