Patient Population Management
Leverage your ICU resources to

Leverage your ICU resources to

reduce costs and improve care

Maximizing ICU capabilities

There are millions of critical care patients in the US and not nearly enough providers to care for them.

To address this alarming shortage, hospitals need to rethink their approach to patient population management. It’s not about the number of clinicians; it’s about leveraging resources to provide consistent, high-quality care.

Telehealth technologies can help by enabling round-the-clock patient monitoring with limited staff. But technology alone isn’t enough. That’s why our comprehensive tele-icu solutions also include clinical support and proven processes to help you maximize capabilities, reduce costs and improve patient care.


Learn more about telehealth solutions for Critical Care.


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Revolutionizing critical care delivery

Get a real-life perspective on how eICU has transformed critical care

Get a real-life perspective on how eICU has transformed critical care

eICU has revolutionized the way we take care of people in the intensive care unit

"eICU has revolutionized the way we take care of people in the intensive care unit.”

Monitor more than 100 patients from one ICU center

Monitor more than 100 patients from one ICU center.

eICU communicates with bedside in real-time with 2-way audio/video

eICU communicates with bedside in real-time with 2-way audio/video.

Study reveals eICU improves outcomes and reduces costs

Results of largest study of critical care telemedicine

Results of largest study of critical care telemedicine 

According to a recent report in CHEST Journal’s Online First, ICU telemedicine is the key to improving patient care at a lower cost. The study examined the impact of Philips Hospital to Home eICU Program on 118,990 critical care patients, across 56 ICUs, 32 hospitals and 19 health systems over a five-year period. The results demonstrated reductions in both mortality and length of stay.

The eICU program is a comprehensive technology and clinical reengineering program that features proprietary clinical decision support, real-time reporting tools and targeted process redesign.

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