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Patients can often feel anxious before having an MRI scan, both about the scan itself and the diagnosis. This can lead to issues in keeping still and following breath hold instructions, which may result in a need for scan retakes. Chiba University Hospital (CUH) is one of Japan’s leading clinical research institutions with a long tradition of healthcare excellence, serving over 55,000 patients annually. In early 2021, CUH opened a central clinic which now houses most of the radiology department. With a philosophy of providing patients with the most advanced medical technology and an innovative experience, CUH believed that including Ambient Experience solutions in all four MRI rooms would help further enhance the MRI experience.
We want to create a relaxed environment for our patients to have their MRI examinations. Ambient Experience provides a spectacular view!”
Yoshitada Masuda, RT, PhD
Chief Radiological Technologist
The CUH team believed that if they did not include Ambient Experience in all of the MRI rooms, the rooms without would not be utilized fully which could cause scheduling conflicts, patient no shows, and staffing issues. Ambient lighting was also installed in the reception area, corridors, and waiting rooms to further enhance the end-to-end patient experience.
Our Philips Ambient Experience team delivered dynamic lighting, projection, and sound solutions to help provide a calming and engaging environment for patients and an efficient workplace for staff in the MRI rooms. As the patient or staff selects the room theme, there is a sense of personalization. The on-screen display of examination progress and breath-hold guidance further supports patient compliance during the scan.
Personalization in the MRI rooms at Chiba University Hospital, Japan
Theme selection in the MRI room
Staff has advised that they do not need to spend as much time on easing patient concerns. And, they have been able to complete MRI scans on patients with claustrophobia who were unable to complete a scan previously. CUH is pleased to continue to meet the needs of their patients and staff by providing: CUH will continue to include Ambient Experience solutions with other future technology installations to continue to enhance the care environment for patients and staff.
Chiba University Hospital has seen a decrease in MRI rescans and plans to evaluate the impact of Ambient Experience on the patient experience.
The response from patients has been even better than we had hoped. And, there has been a significant positive impact on our staff motivation as well.”
Koji Matsumoto, RT, PhD
Radiological Technologist
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