Radiology departments are encountering fluctuating demand and economic pressures along with patients who are feeling fearful and anxious, which can disrupt the diagnostic imaging process. Medical staff may also experience increased anxiety and unknowingly transfer those feelings to patients. It’s therefore more important than ever to offer a better patient experience to improve first-time-right imaging and reduce operational costs. When interviewed about their recent* diagnostic imaging experience, patients described experiencing both positive and negative feelings throughout the imaging process. While most expressed feelings of being well taken care of, respected and informed, many also cited feelings of nervousness, uncertainty and powerlessness. In this paper, Philips provides research findings into fear and anxiety in radiology and shares suggestions on how to reduce negative feelings and their impact on your radiology examinations and operations.
* Enhancing the patient experience of imaging: A survey of patient responses to recent imaging procedures; Philips Research; October 2017.
Prof. Boris de Ruyter Principal Scientist, Philips Research
Boris de Ruyter is a Professor of Human Interactions with Intelligent Systems at the Radboud University. His research focuses on the psychological impact of technological applications. He graduated as an experimental psychologist from the University of Ghent, worked as a research assistant, and joined Philips in 1995 and is a principal research scientist.
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Continue Iris Timmers Senior Product Manager, Philips
Iris Timmers has 20 years’ medical industry experience, from research and design to manufacturing to marketing. With a Master of Science degree in industrial design engineering from the Technical University Delft, Iris helps improve the patient experience by connecting psychology, environment design, and technology to support multi-sensory environments.
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