Algorithm for resting ECGs

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Philips DXL Algorithm uses sophisticated analytical methods to interpret the resting ECG. It analyzes up to 18-leads of simultaneously acquired ECG waveforms to interpret rhythm and morphology for a variety of patient populations.

16-Lead integrated analysis

16-Lead integrated analysis supports variety of patients

The Philips DXL ECG Algorithm goes beyond traditional 12-lead interpretation of the resting ECG. It also provides incremental diagnostic capabilities not associated with analysis programs of the past. 16-lead integrated analysis takes advantage of optional right chest and back electrodes to provide extended interpretations for adult chest pain. A 15-lead pediatric analysis is also supported.

16-Lead integrated analysis supports variety of patients

The Philips DXL ECG Algorithm goes beyond traditional 12-lead interpretation of the resting ECG. It also provides incremental diagnostic capabilities not associated with analysis programs of the past. 16-lead integrated analysis takes advantage of optional right chest and back electrodes to provide extended interpretations for adult chest pain. A 15-lead pediatric analysis is also supported.

16-Lead integrated analysis supports variety of patients

The Philips DXL ECG Algorithm goes beyond traditional 12-lead interpretation of the resting ECG. It also provides incremental diagnostic capabilities not associated with analysis programs of the past. 16-lead integrated analysis takes advantage of optional right chest and back electrodes to provide extended interpretations for adult chest pain. A 15-lead pediatric analysis is also supported.
ST Maps

ST Maps visualize deviations

ST Maps provide a visual representation of ST deviations in frontal and horizontal planes, responding to the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*

ST Maps visualize deviations

ST Maps provide a visual representation of ST deviations in frontal and horizontal planes, responding to the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*

ST Maps visualize deviations

ST Maps provide a visual representation of ST deviations in frontal and horizontal planes, responding to the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*
Updated criteria

Updated criteria based on latest clinical research

The DXL 16-Lead Algorithm includes updated criteria based upon the most recent clinical research. Examples include the addition of “acute global ischemia” and incorporation of updated gender-specific STEMI criteria, as documented in the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*

Updated criteria based on latest clinical research

The DXL 16-Lead Algorithm includes updated criteria based upon the most recent clinical research. Examples include the addition of “acute global ischemia” and incorporation of updated gender-specific STEMI criteria, as documented in the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*

Updated criteria based on latest clinical research

The DXL 16-Lead Algorithm includes updated criteria based upon the most recent clinical research. Examples include the addition of “acute global ischemia” and incorporation of updated gender-specific STEMI criteria, as documented in the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*
STEMI-CA criteria

STEMI-CA criteria to suggest occlusion site

Provides STEMI-CA (Culprit Artery) criteria to suggest the probable site of the occlusion, consistent with the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*

STEMI-CA criteria to suggest occlusion site

Provides STEMI-CA (Culprit Artery) criteria to suggest the probable site of the occlusion, consistent with the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*

STEMI-CA criteria to suggest occlusion site

Provides STEMI-CA (Culprit Artery) criteria to suggest the probable site of the occlusion, consistent with the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*
Critical Value statements

Critical Value statements to speed delivery of urgent care

It supports Critical Value statements to highlight conditions requiring immediate clinical attention. Clinicians can quickly take action and reduce the time from the discovery of a critical cardiac event to intervention, such as balloon angioplasty.

Critical Value statements to speed delivery of urgent care

It supports Critical Value statements to highlight conditions requiring immediate clinical attention. Clinicians can quickly take action and reduce the time from the discovery of a critical cardiac event to intervention, such as balloon angioplasty.

Critical Value statements to speed delivery of urgent care

It supports Critical Value statements to highlight conditions requiring immediate clinical attention. Clinicians can quickly take action and reduce the time from the discovery of a critical cardiac event to intervention, such as balloon angioplasty.
LeadCheck program

LeadCheck program to prevent mistakes

The LeadCheck program identifies 19 possible lead reversal and placement errors during ECG acquisition.

LeadCheck program to prevent mistakes

The LeadCheck program identifies 19 possible lead reversal and placement errors during ECG acquisition.

LeadCheck program to prevent mistakes

The LeadCheck program identifies 19 possible lead reversal and placement errors during ECG acquisition.
Updated recommendations

Updated recommendations to support high quality standards

The algorithm reflects the updated guidelines and recommendations, such as the 2007 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations Part II**, and the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations Part VI1 for the Standardization and Interpretation of the ECG. This algorithm is available with a number of Philips products.***

Updated recommendations to support high quality standards

The algorithm reflects the updated guidelines and recommendations, such as the 2007 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations Part II**, and the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations Part VI1 for the Standardization and Interpretation of the ECG. This algorithm is available with a number of Philips products.***

Updated recommendations to support high quality standards

The algorithm reflects the updated guidelines and recommendations, such as the 2007 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations Part II**, and the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations Part VI1 for the Standardization and Interpretation of the ECG. This algorithm is available with a number of Philips products.***
  • 16-Lead integrated analysis
  • ST Maps
  • Updated criteria
  • STEMI-CA criteria
See all features
16-Lead integrated analysis

16-Lead integrated analysis supports variety of patients

The Philips DXL ECG Algorithm goes beyond traditional 12-lead interpretation of the resting ECG. It also provides incremental diagnostic capabilities not associated with analysis programs of the past. 16-lead integrated analysis takes advantage of optional right chest and back electrodes to provide extended interpretations for adult chest pain. A 15-lead pediatric analysis is also supported.

16-Lead integrated analysis supports variety of patients

The Philips DXL ECG Algorithm goes beyond traditional 12-lead interpretation of the resting ECG. It also provides incremental diagnostic capabilities not associated with analysis programs of the past. 16-lead integrated analysis takes advantage of optional right chest and back electrodes to provide extended interpretations for adult chest pain. A 15-lead pediatric analysis is also supported.

16-Lead integrated analysis supports variety of patients

The Philips DXL ECG Algorithm goes beyond traditional 12-lead interpretation of the resting ECG. It also provides incremental diagnostic capabilities not associated with analysis programs of the past. 16-lead integrated analysis takes advantage of optional right chest and back electrodes to provide extended interpretations for adult chest pain. A 15-lead pediatric analysis is also supported.
ST Maps

ST Maps visualize deviations

ST Maps provide a visual representation of ST deviations in frontal and horizontal planes, responding to the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*

ST Maps visualize deviations

ST Maps provide a visual representation of ST deviations in frontal and horizontal planes, responding to the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*

ST Maps visualize deviations

ST Maps provide a visual representation of ST deviations in frontal and horizontal planes, responding to the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*
Updated criteria

Updated criteria based on latest clinical research

The DXL 16-Lead Algorithm includes updated criteria based upon the most recent clinical research. Examples include the addition of “acute global ischemia” and incorporation of updated gender-specific STEMI criteria, as documented in the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*

Updated criteria based on latest clinical research

The DXL 16-Lead Algorithm includes updated criteria based upon the most recent clinical research. Examples include the addition of “acute global ischemia” and incorporation of updated gender-specific STEMI criteria, as documented in the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*

Updated criteria based on latest clinical research

The DXL 16-Lead Algorithm includes updated criteria based upon the most recent clinical research. Examples include the addition of “acute global ischemia” and incorporation of updated gender-specific STEMI criteria, as documented in the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*
STEMI-CA criteria

STEMI-CA criteria to suggest occlusion site

Provides STEMI-CA (Culprit Artery) criteria to suggest the probable site of the occlusion, consistent with the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*

STEMI-CA criteria to suggest occlusion site

Provides STEMI-CA (Culprit Artery) criteria to suggest the probable site of the occlusion, consistent with the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*

STEMI-CA criteria to suggest occlusion site

Provides STEMI-CA (Culprit Artery) criteria to suggest the probable site of the occlusion, consistent with the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations.*
Critical Value statements

Critical Value statements to speed delivery of urgent care

It supports Critical Value statements to highlight conditions requiring immediate clinical attention. Clinicians can quickly take action and reduce the time from the discovery of a critical cardiac event to intervention, such as balloon angioplasty.

Critical Value statements to speed delivery of urgent care

It supports Critical Value statements to highlight conditions requiring immediate clinical attention. Clinicians can quickly take action and reduce the time from the discovery of a critical cardiac event to intervention, such as balloon angioplasty.

Critical Value statements to speed delivery of urgent care

It supports Critical Value statements to highlight conditions requiring immediate clinical attention. Clinicians can quickly take action and reduce the time from the discovery of a critical cardiac event to intervention, such as balloon angioplasty.
LeadCheck program

LeadCheck program to prevent mistakes

The LeadCheck program identifies 19 possible lead reversal and placement errors during ECG acquisition.

LeadCheck program to prevent mistakes

The LeadCheck program identifies 19 possible lead reversal and placement errors during ECG acquisition.

LeadCheck program to prevent mistakes

The LeadCheck program identifies 19 possible lead reversal and placement errors during ECG acquisition.
Updated recommendations

Updated recommendations to support high quality standards

The algorithm reflects the updated guidelines and recommendations, such as the 2007 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations Part II**, and the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations Part VI1 for the Standardization and Interpretation of the ECG. This algorithm is available with a number of Philips products.***

Updated recommendations to support high quality standards

The algorithm reflects the updated guidelines and recommendations, such as the 2007 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations Part II**, and the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations Part VI1 for the Standardization and Interpretation of the ECG. This algorithm is available with a number of Philips products.***

Updated recommendations to support high quality standards

The algorithm reflects the updated guidelines and recommendations, such as the 2007 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations Part II**, and the 2009 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations Part VI1 for the Standardization and Interpretation of the ECG. This algorithm is available with a number of Philips products.***
  • 1 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations for the Standardization and Interpretation of the Electrocardiogram, Part VI: Acute Ischemia/Infarction. Circulation 2009; 100:e262-e270.
  • 2 AHA/ACCF/HRS Recommendations for the Standardization and Interpretaton of the Electrocardiogram, Part II: Electrocardiography Diagnostic Statement List. J Am Coll Cardiology, 2007:49:1128-135.
  • 3 The DXL ECG Algorithm is available on the PageWriter TC70 and TC50 Cardiograph with the features and capabilities described above. The DXL Algorithm is also available on PageWriter TC30, TC20, and TC10; IntelliVue patient monitors; IntelliSpace ECG; and ST80i stress system with differentiated sets of features.

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