SmartPath lifecycle management for Patient Monitoring
    SmartPath lifecycle management for Patient Monitoring

    SmartPath lifecycle
    management for
    Patient Monitoring


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    Define a clear path into the future for your enterprise-wide patient monitoring installation

    Enjoy access to the latest functionality through:

    • Regular software updates
    • Clinical decision support tools
    • Tailored clinical education
    • End-of-life exchange


    Our SmartPath lifecycle management solutions for Patient Monitoring help you optimize your existing infrastructure by enhancing workflow and minimizing pain points.

    Collaborating for the long term

    We are committed to supporting your changing patient monitoring needs as they evolve – today and into the future. 

    Our SmartPath lifecycle management solutions help you take a long-term view. We analyze your situation, and deliver solutions planned for the entire lifecycle. After implementation, we stay by your side as a proactive partner.

    Empower your people

    Knowledge is not a destination, but a continuous journey

    Knowledge is not a destination, but a continuous journey

    Deliver on clinical value – get the most out of your patient monitoring technology. The right knowledge, training, education, and skillsets can add significant value. Delivered by experienced Clinical Specialists, our comprehensive clinical services are tailored to meet your specific needs and workflow requirements.


    We will help you create a solid foundation that can be built upon and expanded in the future.  Clinical end-users will gain critical patient insights and unlock the full potential of their monitoring investment.

    Address alarm management in the ICU


    Excessive non-actionable alarms in the ICU can quickly escalate to adversely impact patient care. Alarm fatigue results in frequent disruptions, staff stress, unnecessary workload, and inadequate reaction to critical alarms. Our alarm management program can help you regain control. Working with your ICU team we will help improve efficiency and restore patient and staff satisfaction.


    Following successful implementation of recommendations, positive results can be seen, as demonstrated by these aggregate findings:

    alarm management rates in the ICU
    This whole process raised our consciousness about the importance of alarm management.”

    Ineke van de Pol

    Project champion and ICU nurse practitioner, St. Antonius Hospital Nieuwegein, The Netherlands

    Supporting your future

    Our SmartPath lifecycle management solutions help you stay on technology's cutting edge with planned software upgrades. With a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA), you can be confident that regardless of your current version, a software upgrade will bring the very latest Philips software features and functionality to your solution.

    The upgrade enables you to improve your facilities’ service and installation, and supports standardization, compliance, and improved OEM maintenance throughout your hospital.

    By keeping our monitors at the most current revision, we can extend the life of that equipment from a capital procurement perspective.”

    Dennis Minsent

    Director of Clinical Technology Services Oregon Health and Science University

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    Activating SMA for monitor exchange

    As part of our SmartPath solutions for Patient Monitoring we offer a trade-in program to help customers move to the next generation of MX bedside monitors.

    You may be eligible for this offer. Please contact your sales representative for further information.

    Receive exclusive updates and offers


    Interested in learning more about our SmartPath lifecycle management solutions in patient monitoring and how you can enhance your equipment’s performance? Sign up for our email list and receive more specific information or a tailored upgrade offering.


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    By specifying your reason for contact we will be able to provide you with a better service.

    We work with partners and distributors who may contact you about this Philips product on our behalf.


    Philips values and respects the personal information of its customers. You may revoke the permissions you grant at any time. See the Philips Privacy Policy for more information.

    [1] Konkani A, Oakley B, Bauld TJ: Reducing hospital noise: a review of medical device alarm management. Biomed Instrum Technol 2012, 46(6):478-87

    [2] GörgesM, Markewitz BA, Westenskow DR: Improving Alarm Performance in the Medical Intensive Care Unit Using Delays and Clinical Context. Anesth. Analg. 2009, May 1, 108: 1546-1552

    [3] Welch J: An evidence-based approach to reduce nuisance alarms and alarm fatigue. Biomed Instrum Technol 2011, Spring;Suppl:46-52

    [4] Imhoff M, Kuhls S, Gather U et al.: Clinical relevance of alarms from bedside patient monitors. Crit Care Med 2007, 35(suppl):A178

    [5] Chambrin MC, Ravaux P, Calvelo D et al.: Multicentric study of monitoring alarms in the adult intensive care unit (ICU): a descriptive analysis. Intensive Care Med 1999, 25:1360–1366.

    [6] AAMI Foundation’s HTSI (Healthcare Technology Safety Institute): Using Data to Drive Alarm System Improvement Efforts: The Johns Hopkins Hospital Experience. Johns Hopkins Hospital 2012

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